Paru en auto-édition le 26 novembre 2016
1.88 € en ebook
J'ai un problème. Un gros méchant problème.
Son nom est Tory Dixon.
Je suis amoureux d'elle depuis que j'ai 17 ans.
Le problème me demanderez-vous ?
Elle est l'une des meilleurs amies de ma mère.
Son nom est Tory Dixon.
Je suis amoureux d'elle depuis que j'ai 17 ans.
Le problème me demanderez-vous ?
Elle est l'une des meilleurs amies de ma mère.

Son nom est Weston Banks.
J'ai prétendu qu'il n'avait aucun sentiments pour moi ces 6 dernières années.
Tu vois, il y a 14 ans, je suis devenue marraine.
Et Weston, bien , c'est le meilleur amis de mes neveux.
Ce qu'il fait qu'il est 10 ans mon cadet an Oh si délicieusement compliqué.
(je ne vous le traduis pas , histoire que vous vous rendiez un peu compte de la plume de l'auteure et de la difficulté ou pas de lire en VO .... Bon courage !)
When I opened the front door and came face to face with Finn’s bare arse I screamed, “What the hell Finn!” I turned my back on him and faced the closed door, “What are you doing? Put some damn pants on.”
“Ah, can you give us a minute?” Finn’s voice sounded small and embarrassed.
“Yep, you betcha. Call out when you’re decent, we are going to be having a serious conversation as soon as clothes are back in play.” Then I re-opened the front door and stepped back out on to the porch.
A minute or two later I heard Finn call out, “Decent.” And I turned the handle and let myself back in.
My jaw dropped when I saw Nixie sitting on the couch beside Finn. Her face as beat red as his. “Wha— Ah— I’m so confused.” I stuttered. “I wish I hadn’t seen what I clearly just saw, but I’m happy to see you, Nixie.”
Her shoulders relaxed in relief, and she gave me a small finger wave, “It’s good to see you too Tory. Sorry about—” her hand gestured between the two of them, “this,” she finished.
“Me too,” I muttered.
Finn was smiling brightly, and I glared at him as I plonked down on the couch that I had not just seen him having sex on. “You’re paying to have that couch cleaned.” I told him. “I watch Netflix on that couch!” I whined. “Couldn’t you have taken it to your bedroom? I mean seriously, what made you think the couch was a good place for you two to be bumping uglies?”
Nixie’s eyes bounced between Finn and myself with a puzzled expression on her pretty face.
I stood up, “You know what, don’t answer that, I can’t deal with this today. I’m exhausted. I just got an awesome tattoo, by the way. Just so you know. I was going to surprise you with it, but you don’t get to see the awesomeness until later now.”
“You what?” Finn asked.
I held my hand up in his face, “Talk to the hand ‘cause the face ain’t listening. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go scrub my eyeballs with bleach if you don’t mind.” I told him as I walked down the hallway. Every time I closed my damn eyes I could see Finn thrusting into Nixie and I wanted to hurl.
My day couldn’t possibly get any worse. Talking sex and babies with Weston, then seeing Finn’s arse as he pumped into his ex-girlfriend on my Netflix couch. I needed a huge glass of wine and a scalding hot bath to wash it all away.
“Ah, can you give us a minute?” Finn’s voice sounded small and embarrassed.
“Yep, you betcha. Call out when you’re decent, we are going to be having a serious conversation as soon as clothes are back in play.” Then I re-opened the front door and stepped back out on to the porch.
A minute or two later I heard Finn call out, “Decent.” And I turned the handle and let myself back in.
My jaw dropped when I saw Nixie sitting on the couch beside Finn. Her face as beat red as his. “Wha— Ah— I’m so confused.” I stuttered. “I wish I hadn’t seen what I clearly just saw, but I’m happy to see you, Nixie.”
Her shoulders relaxed in relief, and she gave me a small finger wave, “It’s good to see you too Tory. Sorry about—” her hand gestured between the two of them, “this,” she finished.
“Me too,” I muttered.
Finn was smiling brightly, and I glared at him as I plonked down on the couch that I had not just seen him having sex on. “You’re paying to have that couch cleaned.” I told him. “I watch Netflix on that couch!” I whined. “Couldn’t you have taken it to your bedroom? I mean seriously, what made you think the couch was a good place for you two to be bumping uglies?”
Nixie’s eyes bounced between Finn and myself with a puzzled expression on her pretty face.
I stood up, “You know what, don’t answer that, I can’t deal with this today. I’m exhausted. I just got an awesome tattoo, by the way. Just so you know. I was going to surprise you with it, but you don’t get to see the awesomeness until later now.”
“You what?” Finn asked.
I held my hand up in his face, “Talk to the hand ‘cause the face ain’t listening. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go scrub my eyeballs with bleach if you don’t mind.” I told him as I walked down the hallway. Every time I closed my damn eyes I could see Finn thrusting into Nixie and I wanted to hurl.
My day couldn’t possibly get any worse. Talking sex and babies with Weston, then seeing Finn’s arse as he pumped into his ex-girlfriend on my Netflix couch. I needed a huge glass of wine and a scalding hot bath to wash it all away.
J.B. Heller
JB Heller est une femme au foyer australienne d'une vingtaine d'année avec une méchante imagination sexy. Elle est son mari super sexy sont les parents de 3 minions, 2 grand danois et un chat qu'elle considère comme des personnes.
Elle passe ses journées à courir après ses enfants sauvages et écrire des histoires dans son carnet fleuri en cuir vieilli ( Elle est très particulière avec sa papeterie). Elle avoue être addict à la papeterie, qui est constamment en recherche de plus...
La plupart du temps, JB peut être trouvé collé à son ordinateur, tirant avantage des heures d'école, écrivant aussi vite qu'elle peut pendant qu'elle peut . Ou trainant sur Pinterest pour une prochaine muse potentielle. Et quand elle a besoin d'une pause pour les voix dans sa tête, elle se livre à son passe temps favori : lire.
Vous voulez en savoir plus sur JB ? Surveillez ses sorties, on vous garanti un bon fou-rire à défaut de mieux ...
La plupart du temps, JB peut être trouvé collé à son ordinateur, tirant avantage des heures d'école, écrivant aussi vite qu'elle peut pendant qu'elle peut . Ou trainant sur Pinterest pour une prochaine muse potentielle. Et quand elle a besoin d'une pause pour les voix dans sa tête, elle se livre à son passe temps favori : lire.

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